Friday, November 9, 2012

Back to it.

Dave Pimentel has been teaching some great life drawing sessions lately at Disney. I could finally attend one. It won't be the last.


Ryan Green said...

Awesome. (Tell me you weren't giggling while drawing that last one, though...)

norm said...

haha! Now that you mention it...

Louisse said...

very simple and yet so meaningful
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Unknown said...

you are very talented and creative.. i like all your artworks..
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Anonymous said...

beautiful artworks.... keep it up..
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Unknown said...

Your drawing is simple but perfect.Thank for sharing.
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Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your drawing, you give me some idea..

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Unknown said...

You give me some idea's. I will bookmark for next reference. Keep posting.

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Unknown said...

Very meaningful piece of art. Continue doing like this kind of art. Nice and God Bless

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Unknown said...

awesome and cool,hope you inspire all youth generation,long live!

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